
Our Features

Discover the features that will raise your business to a new level.

database management

Comprehensive Database about your client

Store and manage access to customer data, including contacts, deals, and support tickets.


Omnichannel Communication

Enjoy organized communication within a single platform. You can integrate all your communication channels, including Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, into one platform, providing a unified interface for interacting with customers across various channels.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Enhanced Customer Experience

Deliver exceptional customer service with pre-prepared responses, WhatsApp templates, custom messaging templates for Facebook and Instagram, and smart automated responses


Customization and Flexibility

Adapt Alaaqat to your specific business needs with dynamic properties, saved displays, and advanced filtering for contacts, deals, and tickets.


Multilingual and Multicultural

Communicate effectively with a global audience by supporting both Arabic and English languages, including right-to-left text writing. Respond to diverse cultural practices by supporting both the Islamic and Gregorian calendars.


Team Collaboration

Enhance teamwork and accountability through team management, assigning contacts/deals/tickets to individuals or teams, and precise permission control.


Integration Capabilities

Extend Alaaqat's functionality by connecting with other applications through APIs and webhooks.


Advanced Automation

Automate repetitive tasks through advanced workflow automation, allowing your team to focus solely on high-impact activities.